What happens next?

We’ve made our booking process really simple and easy to understand. Here is each step of the journey to your new cleaner, home. 

  • Enter your booking details

    Enter the details for your booking into our 'Booking Form', or give us a call. We will need some information from you about what you would like done and when you need the work completed.

  • Cleaners are offered to you

    We will let you know if we have someone available to help you with your cleaning requirements. If we don't have a staff member available near you, we will offer to assist you with Independent Contractors from our Register of Approved Cleaning Contractors as a secondary option. That way you can still get a cleaner in to help you and fast!

  • Booking confirmed

    Once we have offered a cleaner and you have accepted, we will then send you a confirmation email. The confirmation will include the start time and date for your clean.

  • Fully Customise Your Clean

    You can discuss your cleaning requirements with your cleaner on the day. We have a large example list of standard cleaning tasks that can be completed during a clean. You are able to fully customise your clean to suit your needs.

  • The cleaning happens

    Your cleaner will complete the work that you have booked them for.

  • Payment

    We will advise you how to make payment for your cleaning service. Payment is due on the day of the clean unless you have been approved for extended credit terms. You can receive credit terms if you need to use payment methods like NDIS, or DVA.

  • Enjoy your clean house

    You get to relax and enjoy your beautiful, clean home. Your stress will slowly dissolve and you will feel calm and content.

  • Follow up

    We will check in with you to see how it all went. We will ask if you would like to keep that cleaner or try someone else. This is also your opportunity to raise any issues with us. We are open to your feedback on how we can improve our service.

  • Review us

    It's awesome when our clients have a great experience and provide wonderful reviews on Facebook or Google. We would really appreciate if you took the time to review us so others know that we are a good business to deal with.

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